4 Hackers Seluruh Dunia Bergabung Serang Semua Kerajaan, Bank & Korporat.

Sumber; Scripters

Kalau sebelum ini kerajaan Malaysia di serang oleh kumpulan yang menamakan mereka "anonymous" kerana Malaysia dilihat cuba menyekat kebebasan alam cyber yang menimbulkan kemarahan mereka, kini satu lagi kumpulan yang bernama "Lulzsec" telah bergabung dan menyeru semua para penggodam seluruh dunia menyertai mereka dalam operasi yang dinamakan " AntiSec".

Matlamatnya mudah sahaja iaitu menjahanamkan semua kerajaan, bank dan korporat yang berselindung di sebalik jawatan mereka untuk melakukan segala kemunafikan, korupsi dan seribu satu lagi pembohongan semata-mata untuk membuncitkan tembolok mereka.

Segala transaksi yang disekat kerana menghalang kebocoran maklumat pendedahan jenayah kolar p[utih mereka akan diserang oleh gabungan semua penggodam. Segala kesalahan akan didedahkan oleh kumpulan tersebut agar seluruh dunia dapat menyaksikan wajah sebenar para penjenayah peringkat tinggi.

Baca surat seruan daripada mereka di bawah:

Salutations Lulz Lizards,
As we're aware, the government and whitehat security terrorists across the world continue to dominate and control our Internet ocean. Sitting pretty on cargo bays full of corrupt booty, they think it's acceptable to condition and enslave all vessels in sight. Our Lulz Lizard battle fleet is now declaring immediate and unremitting war on the freedom-snatching moderators of 2011.
Welcome to Operation Anti-Security (#AntiSec) - we encourage any vessel, large or small, to open fire on any government or agency that crosses their path. We fully endorse the flaunting of the word "AntiSec" on any government website defacement or physical graffiti art. We encourage you to spread the word of AntiSec far and wide, for it will be remembered. To increase efforts, we are now teaming up with the Anonymous collective and all affiliated battleships.
Whether you're sailing with us or against us, whether you hold past grudges or a burning desire to sink our lone ship, we invite you to join the rebellion. Together we can defend ourselves so that our privacy is not overrun by profiteering gluttons. Your hat can be white, gray or black, your skin and race are not important. If you're aware of the corruption, expose it now, in the name of Anti-Security.
Top priority is to steal and leak any classified government information, including email spools and documentation. Prime targets are banks and other high-ranking establishments. If they try to censor our progress, we will obliterate the censor with cannonfire anointed with lizard blood.
It's now or never. Come aboard, we're expecting you...
History begins today.
Lulz Security


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